aMYLK Lifestyle & News
My Whys
Well—now that you're here, we can finally begin.
Hi! I'm Amy, and I'm the Founder and Chief Joy Seeker at aMYLK. I'm excited you're here.
You’ve probably found aMYLK because you need it on some level. aMYLK is a powerful healer and nourisher and it attracts people who are looking to live healthier, happier lives.
aMYLK is the best commercially available plant-based mylk anywhere. I know a little about this, because I’m aMYLK’s number one fan. It's been a while since I've talked about my why and we have some new community members, so let's talk aMYLK!
Why do I love aMYLK?
The flavor,...
Ditching The Dirty Stuff, My Switch to Clean Makeup
Hi Friend,
It's 2021 and it's time to take your self-care to the next level.
At aMYLK, we've got you covered with the purest non-dairy mylks on the planet. You can use aMYLK to help you detox (have you tried our I'm abundant Super aMYLK with Turmeric?) and to eat healthy every day, but what if eating healthy isn't enough?
For years, I have been keenly aware that what I put into my body has a dramatic effect on my overall health and well being, but what about what I'm putting ON my body?
I've been pretty good about switching to all natural...
Magic & Mylk, and Life After Death
We interrupt today’s previously scheduled post due to a complete upturning in the world of ALL THE THINGS. 🙃
Remember last week’s post where I had finally figured everything out? Hahahahaha.
The outside world feels upside down to me right now. How about you? Despite not watching the news, not reading the newspapers/newsfeeds, and not listening to the radio, somehow the utter chaos in the outside world has penetrated my little Love bubble.
This has manifested in two staff members unexpectedly leaving, a website crash and me having to pinch hit deliveries and cover roles and responsibilities for those two...
Growing Big by Being Small