Travel and rest always offer up fresh perspectives for me, and I find myself reflecting today on consumption as a spiritual practice - not just thinking of food as medicine, or food as fuel, but food as a portal to deeper connection…to oneness.
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The human body has 37 trillion cells and every single cell requires minerals to function. All of them need to be ingested or injected because our bodies cannot make them. We need a full spectrum of minerals that work in balanced triumvirates, which is why taking a single mineral supplement isn't a great way to go.
Ingested mineral supplements have to be absorbed into the gut lining, but what happens when your gut is in a state of chronic dysbiosis like mine (SIBO)? They won't get absorbed.
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This is your reminder to get your pre-orders in by noon Wednesday!
My day started with a mantra that came from the ethers… "energy flows where attention goes." I received a different message yesterday…"the quality of your thoughts informs the quality of your life."
I'm not sure of the origins of these mystical whispers, but I am grateful. I needed the reminders.
What do these messages mean? For me, it means that I can create...
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February is almost here and that means new offerings! Beaverton Market will re-open this weekend and we have a new aMYLK to get excited about. I'm spicy!
What's I'm spicy all about? It's one of my almond-based super aMYLKs that's packed with adaptogens and super herbs.
Wait. What's an adaptogen? It's the question I get asked all the time. If you don't know much about adaptogens, you are not alone. Adaptogens are healing herbs, roots or...
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I create aMYLK because I Love it. It ignites my passion and creativity, soothes my soul and nourishes my body. I'm attracted to it and it's attracted to me. We feed each other. I don't make aMYLK to make a profit (though that's nice and certainly necessary). I make aMYLK because it is my art. I make it for me and it delights me that you like it, too.
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